Thursday, April 10, 2008

TIA Travelcom Innovator of the Year - New Company

The top 3 nominees were:

- Virgin Charter

And the winner is: Congratulations to them. I love this tool. It makes research so easy.
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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Trip Advisor Hits Milestone

The Trip Advisor CEO announced that they hit a major milestone today. They now have over 15 million reviews on their site.
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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

HSMAI Travel Internet Marketing Conference - 1st Presentation

Bobby Bowers, Smith Travel Research, was the first presenter. He talked about the current trends in demand and supply and what to think about in the near future. Here are the key points from his presentation:

1) Supply growth is accelerating, but they expect pipeline attrition due to the current financial markets.

2) The slowing economy is a precursor to slowing demand growth.

3) The top 25 markets are expected to out perform the US overall.

4)The weak dollar makes the US a good target for international travel.

5) The greatest demand slow down factor is coming from leisure travel.

6) It is important to maintain revenue management discipline.
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Friday, April 4, 2008

Are Travel Suppliers Ready for gTravel?


Regardless of what you would call the result of Google buying up Expedia, you have to admit that the idea of this happening is potentially game changing.  This could be as big as the growth of online travel agencies in the post 9/11 dip.  But shouldn't come as a surprise as many people have speculated that Google would jump into the travel world eventually.

What are your thoughts?
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